Julian Pinn Ltd
The Art and Science of Cinema Imaging from Capture to Exhibition and its Trends - part 2
Cinema Technology Magazine, pp. 54 - 57
September, 2014
21st century cinema has matured beyond recognition since its 19th century genesis. Commercially successful scientific innovation has continued to unlock new artistry in all areas of cinema through capture and post-production to exhibition. The majority of the world's cinema have converted, over the last decade, from photoAdd News Story here
Box Office Pro Magazine, pp. 28 - 32
June, 2014
An analysis of the most important advancement in sound in over twenty years.
Cinema Technology Magazine, pp. 44 - 46
June, 2014
21st century cinema has matured beyond recognition since its 19th century genesis. Commercially successful scientific innovation has continued to unlock new artistry in all areas of cinema through capture and post-production to exhibition. The majority of the world's cinema have converted, over the last decade, from photo-chemical film projection to Digital Cinema; what has this actually meant to the average cinemagoer and to the industry at large?
Cinema Technology Magazine, pp. 26 - 30
December, 2013
Julian Pinn gave a fascinating and timely presentation at the EDCF technical session at IBC 2013 in Amsterdam.